вторник, 26 февруари 2013 г.

The Beauty of Italy 2 – Venice - the most romantic city in Italy

Venice, Italy
image source:Arcangelo Giovanni Corelli, Pinterest


 The name of Venice derives from the Veneto tribe that inhabited the region during the Roman Empire. Its spectacular lagoon reaches the Adriatic sea. An independent city in the Middle Ages, Venice was a centre of commerce and the arts. Silk, grain and species are among the many commodities traded here. Because of all that Venice was one of the most richest cities. Providing military help against the attacks of Normans and Turcs, the merchants from Venice were allowed to trade in some parts of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Venice, Italy, Piazza San Marco

image source: Lesley Stangl, Pinterest

Venice experienced zenith and became one of the leading forces at the time after the Fourth Crusade in 1204. At that time many valuable articles found their place in Venice. For example – the guilded bronze horses from the Hippodrome. They were placed at the entrance of the San Marco cathedral. After they were replaced by their copies, while the originals were placed in the cathedral itself. By the end of 13th century Venice became the most prosperous European city.

Venice, Italy
image: Anna Haines, Pinterest

Later, Venice was helping Thessaloniki with ships in order to protect the city against the invasion of the Turcs. But after the conquest Venice was declared war by Mehmed II. It lasted 30 years, during that time the city lost control over most of its possessions in the Mediterranean. That was only the beginning of Venice’s decline. After, with the finding of the New World by Christopher Columbus, Portuguese sailors discovered the route to India by sea. The Venetians were no longer able to compete, to carry out long distance trips and to cross oceans, so they left behind in competition to conquer new colonies.

Venice, Italy
image: Elizabeth Britton, Pinterest

After a period of Austrian rule / Napoleon Bonaparte conquered Venice at the end of 18th century/, followed with the Third Italian War of Independence, Venice finally became part of the Kingdom of Italy.
Nowadays Venice is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Italy. It is famous for the arts and culture, known as a home of Antonio Vivaldi. The very popular and interesting Venetian Carnival is being held every year here. Venice is also known for its glass because of the technique of its processing. 

Venice, Italy

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